Anna Hooser is a Contemporary Fine Artist in Seattle with Corrosive Style
Come with me to see Anna’s private Seattle art studio.
When I think of contemporary fine artists in Seattle, artists who work in watercolor and ink, oils mixed with corrosive agents, artists that use materials and make me feel something instantly, I think of Anna Hooser.
Anna Hooser is a contemporary fine artist in Seattle with a corrosive style. She draws inspiration from a trove of vintage photos she’s collected over the years as well as her natural surroundings here in the Pacific Northwest. Her work is soulful and emotional. Every original painting I’ve seen has drawn me in with its many contrasts. Anna’s portraits are especially meaningful.
How did I get such an exclusive invitation to see her personal collection of treasures?
I asked.
“You want to see my space? It’s a mess!” she said.
“I would be honored if you’d let me see where you work! Please? I’d love to come and see and chat and ask you some questions about how you use social media. Can I take you to lunch?”
We made a date!
I love these types of dates, where we can share ideas and inspiration and cheer each other on. Anna knows I’m interested in working with more artists, musicians, makers, and entrepreneurs to help them get their great ideas to people who are looking for them through social media. She is an artist whose work I’ve admired for years. As I start to work with more creatives about the way they use social media, I wanted to find out more about the way Anna thinks about social media, if she thinks about it at all. It was such a fun conversation, but the one thing she said that stood out to me was this:
“Every time I post, I sell.”
Anna!!! I mean, I KNOW!!! But to hear it so clearly and succinctly made me want to ask so many more questions. First of all, if that’s true, WHICH IT IS, then why aren’t you posting more? Why aren’t you posting all the time?
I went back to her Instagram account to take a look. Anna has posted 18 times in the last 75 days. That's not nothing, it's a steady enough pace. But, if you knew that every time you post to social media you would sell, how often would you post content? Once per week? Daily? Multiple times per day? So, I’ll ask you what I asked her:
What's stopping you?
This is where our conversation really took off. I’m excited to continue working with Anna. She is a wonderful generous person and clearly talented artist. I would love to see more of her work out in the world instead of sitting in stacks in her studio.
If you are looking for original artwork by a Pacific Northwest artist, take a look at Anna Hooser. You can find some of her pieces at Selfmade Couture (410 Pike St, Seattle, WA). You can find more of her work on her website and I really hope you follow her and encourage her to post more on Instagram here.